Here are some ways you can use essences in your daily routines.
In beverages:
The most common way to take flower essences is by putting 2-4 drops from your stock or mixture bottle into any liquid you are drinking.
In a spray:
You can also add 4-6 drops of your mixture bottle into a small mister bottle. You can find these spray bottles at the dollar store. I prefer to use darker bottles for my essence sprays.
Add water (preferably purified or spring), 4-6 drops of your mixture bottle and a few drops of your favourite aromatherapy essential oils. I personally like to add eucalyptus, lemon and lavender oils into my essence sprays.
You can spray your self with this spray to get your regular dosage. Taking your flower essences this way has an aura cleansing effect. You can also mist this spray around your home to feel the energetic healing effects in your home sanctuary. The information from the flower essences will then be available to all in your home. Mist your home once a day as part of your winding down ritual or whenever you want to shift the energies in your home.
There are several ways you can do this.
- Adding 20-40 drops from your mixture bottle into your bath. Add some Epsom or sea salts and your favourite essential oils and you've got yourself a deeply relaxing and healing bath.
- Making a compress. You'll need one small glass bowl or drinking glass, half a cup of water (or less), cotton ball or pad, or a small cloth or face towel. Add 2 drops from your flower essence mixture into the water and let your cotton ball or cloth soak in that water for a few moments. Then apply this compress any where on your body that feels right. I personally have found great benefits from putting a flower essence compress over my eyes, on my forehead,throat, on my chest, belly, and anywhere that has aches and pains. Leave the compress on for 20 minutes while you meditate, relax or nap.
- Direct application. You can also directly put a couple of drops from your flower essence mixture on to your skin. Spots I find effective are on pulse points, inner wrists, behind the ears, temples and throat. You can also use the water from the compress to apply to anywhere on your body that hold tension and pain.
- You can also add 2-4 drops of your flower essence mixture to your favourite moisturizer, lotion, cream or water you put on your skin on a regular basis.
Add 4-6 drops from your mixture bottle to the water that you give your plants. My home feels divine when I do this and the plants love it!